Date: 11 İyun 2024 15:24 | Show: 356
“I’m proud of my Turkish origins”    – Marc Levy

“I’m proud of my Turkish origins” – Marc Levy

Marc Levy is the most-read contemporary French author. His 24 novels, translated into 50 languages, have sold more than 45 million copies worldwide.

The diversity of his novels, his much-loved characters, the journeys that he takes us on, the humor of his dialogues, and the depth of his stories have all brought his readers together, touching millions around the world. Steven Spielberg (“DreamWorks”) acquired film rights to his first novel, “If Only It Were True”, before it was even published. Starring Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo, the movie, “Just like Heaven”, was a #1 box office hit.

Other novels, such as “Finding You”, “London Mon Amour”, and “Children of Freedom” were adapted for television, cinema, or graphic novels. “Another Idea of Happiness”, “All Those Things We Never Said”, and “The Shadow Thief” are currently being adapted for the screen in India, China, and the US.

Marc Levy, a French best-selling author, has been interviewed by Azerbaijani journalist Hafiz Ahmadov. presents an exclusive interview with Marc Levy.

– What was your first thought when you knew that we were writing to you from Azerbaijan for an interview?

– I was very moved and delighted. One of the wonderful things about being a writer is meeting people from around the world. It is an honor to be able to speak to you and readers in Azerbaijan.

– To what do you credit your success? What is your biggest success?

– It is always hard to identify the cause of success – especially if you are talking about your own work. I also know that it is never just one thing – but a number of things coming together at the right time that lead to success. I am a hard worker. I have always aspired to writing stories that readers can relate to wherever they are in the world – I love stories with heart and humor, stories that help the readers escape their everyday. My biggest success in terms of sales numbers? It is my first novel “İf only it were true” and “The shadow thief”.

– Which book changed your life?

– It was “Claire de Femme” by Romain Gary. I had just been dumped by a girlfriend and I was convinced I would never love again. Then I read Gary’s novel and I realized that all I wanted to do is fall in love again…

– Which female characters do you like more in your novels?

– My characters on novels are like children: I would have a hard time telling you who I prefer! I am very fond of the women in my novels, from Lauren in “If Only it Were True” to Alice in “The Strange Journey of Mr. Daldry” and Agatha in “Another Idea of Happiness”… These are examples of strong minded, courageous women who take their fate in their hands and dare to make a difference.

– When do you say, “If Only It Were True”

– Every time I dream about peace in the world, about freedom, about a world with tolerance, no oppression, no dictators.

– Is there something that compels us as human beings to make a choice between good and evil? Do you believe in the existence of life after death?

– I believe that a sparkle of humanity that is given to us when we are born, and the meaning of life is to keep it alive until the very last day. Life after our death is made of the feelings, which last after us in the heart of the people we met.

– If you could start over, what would you do?

– I would have loved to be a doctor… But otherwise, I would still want to be a writer.

– How will the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in the world affect real writers?

– This is a vast question, and it is too early to say. For now, AI is unable to create original thought – so

– Who do you think rules the world today? (“Seven days for an eternity”)

– There is a lot of evil, and insatiable appetites of power – of course — but when I see people resisting like the brave people of Ukraine, I think (and hope) that the good will prevail. As Alexei Navalny said: “Evil triumphs when good people don’t do anything”.

– If we can’t help but have religion, what kind of religion would you say you have?

– I am a humanist – I believe in the ultimate good of mankind.

– How does being of Turkish origin affect your life?

– I am proud of my Turkish origins and inspired by what my grandfather did in Izmir building the first hospital for women and the famous elevator.

– Thinking of returning to France? How do the events in France affect you?

– I love both France and America – and would have a problem giving one of them up. The rise of the extremists in America worries me, as it does in Europe.

– What advice would you give people to be happy?

– Love. Find time to love your family, friends, neighbors… If you don’t have love in your life you can’t be happy. It’s the most important thing of all.

– What would you like to tell people who love Marc Levy in Baku, Azerbaijan? Would you like to visit Baku?

– I am very honored to be read in Azerbaijan and yes I would love to visit Baku one day! I hear it is a beautiful country and the people are very kind.

